It’s a toss-up as to whether the right wing whackforce will overplay their hand on the way to the next election, or if they’ll successfully ride the kracken to congressional majorities. 45’s people tried mightily to put the ‘ass’ in asterisk with the decennial census but despite all their attempts at pre-gerrymander prep, the courts pretty much stopped the worst, so the gains and losses are about even. Still, it’s a fragile fulcrum which could tip the house red at the midterms. The senate is a bit different, Repubs defending 20 to the Dem’s 14, but only eight Repub senators have “battleground” status. The norm is that complacency rules during midterms, the party in power losing seats, even though this time it’s the one who came up w/ tangible financial relief for those outside the donor class. No matter. Voters are always ready to bite the hand that feeds them.
So far, Biden hasn’t given the Q-obnoxious much of a target. His policies even have some senatorial speed bumps taking credit for them, proving that it takes a fool to fool fools all the time. Their drumbeat is nothing if not overwrought, from Dr. Seuss to cancel culture to the KKK-Mart Blue Light Special which is the Chauvin verdict. There’s an historic writhing on the right during this, the largest upwelling of civil rights unrest in our history, so extreme that some governors have declared open season on protesters, as long the hunting is done with horsepower. Extended magazine AR’s are so… old school. “Conservative” shout-cry shows no sign of slowing, and how can it when newscasts are being interrupted by breaking stories of another Black citizen or three gunned down by enforcement? To counter that ongoing atrocity, enter whole cloth sensationalism. Fox decided to make beef the next toilet paper. Get it while you can, playtriots, or all you’ll have to eat are brussel sprouts and bran flakes! Enjoy the go- that stash of pandemic TP may come in handy yet.
It’s interesting that the real ravages of Covid can so easily be unseated by fictional horrors around the Green New Deal, as useful to the feral fundits of fake news feeds as ‘socialism’ and ‘defund the police’ in stirring up the faithful. Thing is, Biden never mentioned meat, but now it’s what’s for breakfast, lunch, and dinner amongst the pusillanimous paranoiacs, who’ve also been warned that all we’ll have left soon is, gasp, plant-based beer! Who’s gonna tell ‘em? Hops on the hoof is not a thing. Just how bad is it? Last night on his White Power Hour, Tucker Carlson called for viewers to confront people wearing masks, then forthwithed this polished gem: “64% of white Americans who called themselves “liberal” or “very liberal” “have been diagnosed with an actual mental health condition.” Is that considered a pre-existing condition? If not, I want my damned meds! He also urged playtriots to call the police if they see children wearing masks, calling it child abuse, and his audience is “morally obligated to prevent it.” Minority tool indeed. When the right wing pounce of prevention is worth a pound of progressive cure, something’s gotta give. Biden has only a matter of months before the filibuster either takes it toll or he manages to defeat the kracken. Maybe a beef ban WOULD be a good thing- that monster can’t sustain itself on a vegetarian diet.